

Sunday School Small Groups

Sundays @ 9:30 am

GMO Sunday School seeks to furnish knowledge of divine truth and instruction.  We encourage the young and the old to study and we strive to stimulate individual thought.  We offer instruction in the Old and New Testament.  Although we offer weekly lessons from the quarterly Sunday School book, the bible is the primary and chief text book.  GMO Sunday School strives to stimulate a love for truth and to give accurate and adequate instruction on how to live in true holiness in order to draw participants closer to Christ as the Lord of their lives.



Sunday Morning Worship

Sundays @ 11 am

Join us in worship on Sunday Mornings as we sing His praises, rejoice of His goodness, and hear a mighty word of God. 


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Dress Down Sunday

4th Sundays @ 11am

Fourth Sundays are Dress Down Sundays. Come as you are and praise the Lord! 


Youth Sunday

5th Sundays @ 11am

Fifth Sundays are Youth Sundays during which our service is led by our Youth Department. Feel free to dress down today too!


Bible Study

Tuesdays @ 7:30 pm

Our bible study, aka small groups, is designed to empower and encourage believers during their faith journey. Come study the bible in a smaller, interactive setting.  



Monday – Friday  12noon – 1 pm 

Sunday Morning 9am – 9:30am

Prayer is the foundation of your connection with God. Spending more time in prayer manifests peace, joy, less stress, healing and so much more! If you can’t make it to prayer, join our prayer hotline Monday – Friday at 12noon ( 712)4321500 ext. 252141#1